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Specialist psychotherapy and counselling services for corporate organisations & people of all backgrounds in English, Urdu, Punjabi and Hindi


& counselling FAQs

We provide integrated psychotherapy & counselling services in Leicestershire and around the UK for corporate organisations and people of all ages, and cultural backgrounds. We also specialize in different languages for people & communities speaking English, Urdu, Punjabi and Hindi. 


When considering entering psychotherapy or counselling it can be difficult to know how to go about finding the right type of therapy and therapist for you. People often have questions and are unsure as to where to look for the answers. We have taken the opportunity to research answers to some of the most common questions in this field and have provided the corresponding answers below.


This list is by no means exhaustive and, should you require further information then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Specialist psychotherapy and counselling services in Leicesterfor corporate organisations & people of all backgrounds in English, Urdu, Punjabi and Hindi.



What is Counselling?

It is said that, counselling is an opportunity to talk about issues, which affect your everyday life. It gives you space to put your thoughts into words, and to consider what changes, if any, you may wish to make to improve your quality of life. In a non-judgmental and supportive way we will help you to find from within yourself the strength and the skills & resources you need to be positive and take to take control of your life again.
Issues may include:

· Low self-esteem
· Bereavement
· Anxiety or abuse

In fact anything, which is keeping you stuck and unhappy. Counselling may help to clear the way for positive personal growth and development.


Click here to view BACP pdf document on the subject. 

Counselling is available for Individuals, Couples and Groups


What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a formal and professional relationship within which an individual can explore difficult, and often painful, emotions and experiences. It is a collaborative effort between therapist and client which seeks to increase the capacity for self awareness and choice.


By exploring ideas together and being curious about behavior and what lays behind it, the process of good psychotherapy can help people to deal with their emotional or psychological problems and live more satisfying and fulfilling lives.


What is the difference between psychotherapy and counselling?
While counselling tends to be shorter term and focuses on the resolution of a specific issue or immediate crisis, psychotherapy usually takes longer and goes into deeper rooted issues. The aim of psychotherapy is to facilitate fundamental changes within the whole of the person.


How is psychotherapy different to talking with a friend?
The support of family and friends during difficult times can be invaluable, but even the most well intentioned friend or family member cannot offer what psychotherapy does. Besides issues about confidentiality, the lives of our loved ones are inevitably intertwined with our own, and communication takes place within the framework of a set of basic assumptions about our place within our family or social system. This system may be threatened if an individual within it starts to challenge those assumptions. Psychotherapy, however, aims to empower the individual.


How do I know I need psychotherapy or counselling?
If talking to friends or reading self help books has failed to help you make a change for the better in your life and you are frustrated with the way things seem to be turning out, psychotherapy may be able to help you. Perhaps you know your problems are too big or complex to handle alone or maybe others have suggested that you need to get help. If, over the years you have tried various strategies and had no real lasting or deep changes or, you seem to be falling short of what you believe to be your full potential in relationships and/or your working life, you may benefit from therapy.


Will therapy make me dependent on my therapist?
People sometimes fear that entering into psychotherapy will make them dependent on their therapist. In fact, the opposite is true, psychotherapy encourages and fosters autonomy.


How long does psychotherapy/counselling take?
This is very hard to answer and is very much dependent on the individual and the history surrounding the specific requirement for counselling. It isn’t possible to predict the duration of therapy, it depends on the issues you want to work on and how you define success.

In general, a specific issue with a short history will probably be dealt with fairly quickly, for example in 10 to 15 sessions of counselling. However, a less specific issue with a long history such as “I always seem to choose the wrong partner” will probably need a much longer time period to be dealt with, maybe six months to several years.


How do I choose my psychotherapist or counsellor?
Research suggests that the relationship between therapist and client is more important than the type of therapy on offer. This is the most significant factor in determining outcome. Therefore, while it is important to choose someone who is properly qualified and registered with the relevant professional bodies (for example, in the UK, the UKCP and/or the BACP), finding someone that you feel you can trust and who you sense will have hope for you is the best criteria to use.


How much will it cost?
For Individuals : £100 for a fifty minute session.

The initial session of one hour for £100 will enable us to meet, get to know each other and decide together how we can best help you, and, for you to have the opportunity to decide whether you feel you would like to work with our Therapist. Our aim is always for you to feel empowered and in control.

For Couples : £150 : for a fifty minute session.

The initial appointment may last for an hour, sometimes longer.


What are your working hours?
Our therapists are normally available week days 9.00am till 5.00 and some evenings 5.30 – 8.00pm. However, we realise that clients need to work their normal routine too and so with that in mind our counsellor/psychotherapist adopt a flexible routine where possible. we will work with you at any time to suit by mutual agreement.


What happens if I can’t make an appointment?
We require at least 48 hours notice if you are unable to attend. If less is given we will try and offer an alternative date and time. You will also be liable for half the fee as stipulated on our charges table for that session . If NO notice is given and client fails to turn up then FULL session rate applies.


What if I am late for my appointment?
Unfortunately we can only offer the session time and length agreed, so if you are late we do of course meet but we would have to finish the session at the agreed time.


What about privacy and confidentiality?
In line with BACP Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Psychotherapy and Counselling client confidentiality is maintained at all times. If we felt you were at risk or someone else was in danger then our therapist would discuss this with you and together we would decide on any appropriate action. No confidence would be broken without your agreement.


What happens when I come to a session?
You and the therapist sit together in a comfortable, private room and you have the opportunity to talk and for her to listen. Our therapist will not tell you what you should or shouldn’t do, She makes no judgment. It is a private space and time for you to discuss and share what ever it is you want to talk about, and for us to work together with what you bring.


How do I take the first step towards psychotherapy/counselling?
Once you have decided that you would like to consider entering therapy we recommend an evaluation session. Together you and your therapist can think about what your goals for therapy might be and at the same time see how it feels to work together. If you are both happy to proceed we can make arrangements to start as soon as it is mutually convenient.

If, however, one or both of us feel that we don’t ‘click’ with the other, we would be happy to provide referrals to other therapists.


Where is my office located?
Our Psychotherapy and Counselling Practice is based in Wigston, Leicestershire. We also offer telephone counselling as well as work-place visits (which have been pre authorised by the employer or employment assistance scheme).


Office Address:

Suite 16
Rutland House
23-25 Friar Lane


Office hours are Monday to Friday. For an appointment call Landline 0116 281 0555 or Mobiles 07414 846 897 or 07710 838339

Do you carry out training and lecturing for corporate organisations?


Our therapist is a qualified trainer and is also able to produce and deliver lectures on wide variety of related subjects. Please contact us with your requirements.

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